Food Allergy Testing in Wandsworth

Adverse reactions to food and other allergens can develop at any point in life, with a mix of negative effects on a your health and wellbeing. Today, where people enjoy a mixed diet made up of many food types and substances, and it can be difficult to pinpoint exactly where a problem may lie. If this situation sounds familiar, Fairlee Wellbeing Centre offers unique food allergy testing in Wandsworth that combines the best of both conventional and alternative medical treatments in order to find the best solutions for patient wellbeing.

Food allergies can cause all manner of chronic health problems, and can sap your energy and vitality over a period of time. Our qualified practitioners use a variety of natural, non-invasive tactics to get to the source of your distress, be it part of your diet or something in your environment that you are coming into contact with regularly. Rather than employing intravenous blood tests, food allergy testing in Wandsworth goes a great deal further, using a number of complementary methods to ensure that no stone is left unturned.

Sessions are designed to be comfortable, welcoming and relaxing, and you can trust our practitioners to act professionally at all times – over many years of experience, we’ve gained a strong understanding of the human body, and are able to identify the cause of persistent ill-health.

Exhaustive Food Allergy Testing in Wandsworth

Our experienced therapists can identify allergies you may not have been aware of, as well as being able to supply a detailed assessment of your diet and correct any nutritional deficiencies or imbalances. Through toxicity testing, we can also test your sensitivity to particular pollutants or chemical substances, which could be detrimentally affecting your health. Food Allergy Testing in Wandsworth can help people to address a myriad of common complaints, including:

  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Digestive Problems
  • Hair Loss
  • Headaches
  • Hormonal problems
  • IBS
  • Insomnia
  • Phobias
  • Skin Problems
  • Weight Loss
  • Immunity to disease

Health Kinesiology

As a complementary therapy, the practitioners at Fairlee Wellbeing Centre combine Food Allergy Testing with a discipline known as Health Kinesiology (HK), which uses well known principles used in Kinesiology to rebalance and realign the energy system of the body. Gentle pressure and muscle manipulation to base elements can provide the therapist with a highly accurate picture of your health, identifying exactly what your body is reacting to.

Treatment consists of the use of magnets, flower essence and homeopathy, in a session that addresses underlying psychological issues as well as correcting imbalances within the human electromagnetic energy system. Added to this is a number of traditional, gentle techniques that make the session an intensely relaxing and enjoyable one for the patient, contrary to many people’s initial expectations about food allergy testing in Wandsworth.

The advantage of Health Kinesiology is that the body is treated as a complete whole, rather than the sum of disparate parts, conditions and symptoms. Suitable for patients of all ages, HK is completely natural and does not rely on the use of drugs or other artificial products.

Timings and Fees

Session Cost
Initial £65
Follow up £55

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