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Timings and Fees

Session Length Cost
1st Consultation – 60 mins £65
Continuing issue treatment – 60 mins £55

What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a complete form of natural health care that uses muscle testing to read the energetic bio feedback system from our bodies to find where health issues stem from, where imbalances/energy drains are and what particular stresses are affecting you.

We then correct those imbalances using specialised lymphatic massage, nutrition, electromagnetic balancing and emotional work.

Allergies and Intolerances

First of all, what is the difference between a food allergy and a food intolerance?

With a food allergy, the immune system is involved and the response is usually immediate and dramatic.

Typical symptoms include: coughing, sneezing, vomiting, migraines, watering eyes, rashes, swelling tissue, hives. In severe cases, there can be anaphylactic shock which requires emergency medical intervention. With symptoms involving the digestive system, such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea, the response can be delayed for hours or even days.

A food intolerance tends to have a slow onset (hours, days or even weeks).

It happens when a person is unable to break down and digest a particular food, often because of a lack of appropriate enzymes. The food therefore passes through the digestive tract unprocessed, or lingers in the gut fermenting and producing excess ‘gas’.

Although food intolerances may involve the immune system, they aren’t life threatening, although over time can prevent the absorption of nutrients, and create inflammation and immunity issues.

How can Kinesiology help you?

Using muscle-testing, we can find out whether a particular food is stressful for a person by placing the item from a test kit on their body and pressing on a muscle.

If the person is stressed by the food, the muscle will unlock (go weak) whereas if there is no stress involved, the muscle will remain locked (strong).

In some cases, a particular food can switch a person into sabotaging themselves – in other words, when they eat it, they tend to make unhealthy choices in life. A good example would be chocolate.

Once we have found which foods are stressful for a person, it is often possible to clear the stress using kinesiology techniques.

This means that, rather than having to avoid a particular food for the rest of her life, the person may be able to eat it (in moderation) without a negative reaction in the future.

Often, taking digestive enzymes will enable a person to digest a food which they would normally be unable to tolerate, so we can use kinesiology to test whether digestive enzymes will help and what sort are needed.

We are also able to test for other things that might be a problem, such as pollens, chemicals in cosmetics, dust mites and food additives etc.

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